The Journeyman Harp Imagine sitting on a paddle steamer, slowly floating down the Mississippi. The sun is shining, and you...
Let the Blue Ice harmonicas introduce you to the cool sound of the Blues! The Blue Ice pack are three entry level...
The Beginner’s Blues Blues is an incredibly versatile and eclectic genre. There’s different styles throughout...
The One and Only Blues Harp The name evokes the typical blues sound. It is a metaphor for whiskey bars, juke joints, and...
Enthusiast Series 3 Harmonicas for 1 low price Includes Keys C, G, A
Wow!! That’s quite a harmonica. The sleek lines of the racy looking ‘Jazz’,constructed on the basis of the tried and tested...
Tremolo-tuned harmonicas are mainly used for folk music. They are easily recognizable by the horizontal division of the air...
This fun, vibrantly colored harmonica is in the key of C in various colors.This 10-hole harmonica uses durable materials...
This fun, vibrantly colored harmonica is in the key of C in various colors.This 10-hole harmonica uses durable materials...
The new Educator 10 sports a comb design that provides a clear and powerful sound without the need for valves. Good news...
The Golden Melody Progressive, HOHNER’s only professional diatonic model tuned to equal temperament, has undergone a...
The Hohner HH01 harmonica holder (neck rack) is designed for use with standard 10 hole diatonic harmonicas. It offers a...
The perfect starter harmnonica! Plays a full 8-note octave with only 4 holes, each hole produces 2 different notes; a blow...
Start playing the blues today! Includes one of the most popular Hohner harmonicas of all time, the Pocket Pal Hamonica. A...
The Space Traveler It’s rude to discuss a lady’s age, so we won’t. But we can tell you that the Little...